1.With so much about to happen at home and work, it might not be wise to be away on holiday, especially near the eclipses July 7 and 21.
2.Saturn wants you to have contingency plans, so it may not be wise to give up your present apartment, even for economic reasons.
3.If you are facing predators or other tanks, it would be wise to mix in a few disintegrators with your force.
4.Since the Fed can basically print money, investors would be wise to respect its ability to cause inflation if it desires.
5.Study of its solution, both in terms of theoretical analysis or from the practical point of view, only be wise to seek win-win situation.
6.Lepp says he is now trying to move on with his campaign, though it might be wise to let his son vet all outgoing tweets from here on out.
7.He said it would be wise to support the creation of strong regional currencies and use them as the basis, possibly also using gold.
8.And his wife, the unofficial curator of that budding basketball museum, would be wise to make room for an NBA Finals MVP trophy, too.
9.Secure in the short term, but facing a deteriorating economic outlook, he might be wise to seek a rapprochement with the "empire" .
10.Don't you think it would be wise to review how much we've spent to date?